The illustrations and information suggested in this training aid are subject to the standard operating procedures for applying restraints on subjects being placed into custody, transporting of subjects, etc., required of law enforcement personnel by their particular agency.  MAX-CUFF is recommended to assist officers in cases where the subject may be bleeding and minimum contact is desired.

The recently passed Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Occupational Exposure to BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS standards may apply to you and your agency.

MAX-CUFF is effective as an all purpose restraint for hands, legs, arms, leg to hands as a hobble, and can easily be concealed.  It is a tough nylon product, light in weight and can be applied quickly.  It is made of a high tensile strength nylon that is superior to standard plastics.  MAX-CUFF has been tested and proven to be a superior restraint.  MAX-CUFF is a novel U.S. Patented product.

Preset for Speedy Use

MAX-CUFF can be pre-set to facilitate a speedy application.  They are applied in the same manner as standard cuffs.  Allow better control of subject, easy to grip when being applied.


I.D. Tabs
Features I.D. tabs identifying and classifying subjects or inmates, booking no's, officer's badge no's, or medical information.

Behind the Subject's Back

Anyone placed under arrest should have his hands placed behind him and MAX-CUFF's applied with the tips of the straps facing upward.

Multiple Arrests

Multiple Arrests: Several combinations are possible in keeping with authorized procedures (see illustration). Two subjects bound by hands, interlocking arms and one leg each, arm to arm, etc.

Ideal for military use.  Several
thousand pieces were donated
and used during Operation
Desert Storm.

Ideal for concealment, for under-
cover, swat teams or uniformed.
Ultra-light, one or more carried
in pocket.






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MAX-CUFF Patented Product